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​Absence in the workplace could be reduced by identifying common hazards and reducing or eliminating them, monitoring absence and identifying any common trends. Kernow Occupational Health can assist by carrying out workplace surveys to identify sources of ill health  and suggesting interventions to address these trends and reduce them.

Some of the benefits of engaging support from Kernow Occupational Health could include:


- Assisting employers in meeting their legal obligations


- Potential for earlier return to work from sickness absence with advice on short or long-term adjustments


- Greater engagement and motivation of employees as they feel valued by the employer


- Possibility for less disruption as the result of employees being absent 


- Opportunity for reduced overall costs to the organisation 

    Please Note - we do not offer Drug & Alcohol testing, vaccinations, blood tests or Needlestick Injury services
   For details of services offered, please click on each link below for more information:

Other Services

Attendance at meetings and case conferences in an advisory capacity.


Introduction to or facilitation of referral to an Independent Consultant Occupational Health Physician (Specialist Doctor in the field of Occupational Health) for very complex cases, or those requiring the formal diagnosis of Occupational Disease,  Ill Health Retirement Assessments or Independent Medical Assessment.



Email:          Tel: 07462 944 799


PO Box 351   Penzance   TR18 9FN


Kernow Occupational Health 2024

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