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Kernow Occupational Health
Workplace Health & Wellbeing

Health Assessments for New & Existing Employees
Do you assess the health of your new employees at the point of them starting their employment with you?
Do you have a reliable system in place for asking them the right questions?
Do you have the knowledge to fully understand the responses given or any implications regarding certain medical conditions when considering their general health to ensure that no existing health conditions may be made worse or new ones caused by their employment tasks or your workplace environment?
Do you understand the legal aspects of the disability criteria of the Equality Act 2010 in terms of the above?
Do you review an employees health status if they move from one role to another within your business?
New Employee Health Questionnaire Assessment
Kernow Occupational Health can undertake an initial health questionnaire-based screening assessment and advise on the individual’s fitness for the intended role. Should health conditions or issues be declared, where appropriate and necessary a more in-depth assessment will be offered and recommendations made regarding whether any restrictions or reasonable adjustments should be considered.
Existing Employee Assessments
Employees may develop a health condition after their employment commenced which might have an impact on their ability to undertake their role. Their functional capacity may have altered, there may be a legal duty that comes into play for them to be exempt from specific roles, or the Equality Act 2010 may now apply and you have a legal responsibility to ensure this is taken into account. Some health conditions which develop may be reportable by law under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
Advice and support on these matters, and answers to any queries regarding what services you require or wish to access is available.