Welcome to...
Kernow Occupational Health
Workplace Health & Wellbeing

In a nutshell...
Kernow Occupational Health is a local, independent provider of Occupational Health (OH) services. Based in West Cornwall, services are aimed at supporting small & medium sized businesses across Mid and West Cornwall.
Services are delivered either remotely, by visiting businesses on-site, or a mixture of both. This provides the opportunity to tailor service provision to suit what works best for each individual business and keeps costs down.
For information on Occupational Health and why it is relevant to you as an employer, please go to the Homepage
To access a list of services, please go to the Services page.
Professional Registration
Registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council of the UK
Part 1: Registered Nurse
Part 3: Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Occupational Health)
Professional Memberships
The Society of Occupational Medicine
The Association of Occupational Health and Wellbeing Practitioners
The Faculty of Occupational Medicine
South West Occupational Health Nurse Group
All core services are delivered by Lorna Richards.
A Registered Nurse for over 38 years, following 14 years in community and GP surgery nursing, she changed direction and acquired an extensive level of competency working specifically within Occupational Health.
As an experienced senior practitioner, manager, practice teacher and mentor in this field, throughout her lengthy involvement in OH she worked across private industry, local government and NHS settings before becoming an independent practitioner.
Lorna holds a specialist degree in Occupational Health Practice and alongside her general nursing qualification, is a registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN) and Specialist Occupational Health Practitioner/Advisor.