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Health Surveillance Screening & Fit for Work Assessments

Under various legislation employers hold a legal responsibility to ensure that the workplace and the physical work processes people undertake or are exposed to are fully risk assessed and hazards are controlled, by carrying out workplace surveys to identify sources of ill health. If assessment of risks and measures are not taken to eliminate, reduce, control and monitor these, the employer could be liable to prosecution.


Health Surveillance is the term given to regular ongoing monitoring for potential health implications, those in which are identified through the risk assessment process with regards to specific tasks employees may carry out as part of their job. It assists in the early identification of possible health issues and enables prompt remedial action to be taken. For specific processes where the identified hazards cannot be fully eliminated, health surveillance is required.


Kernow Occupational Health undertakes the following Health Surveillance Screening:


Audiometry (Hearing)

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) at Tiers 1, 2, & 3*  

Facilitation of Laboratory Tests for Urine Isocyanate or Chromate 

Respiratory (Lung Function)

Skin Assessment


*If required, referral to an Independent Consultant Occupational Health Physician (Doctor) who undertakes Tier 4 HAVS Assessment and acts as an HSE Appointed Doctor can be facilitated.


Fit for Work Assessments:


Working at Height

Working in Confined Spaces



Need further information or advice?       


Email:          Tel: 07462 944 799


PO Box 351   Penzance   TR18 9FN


Kernow Occupational Health 2024

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